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13 Useful Presentation Topics for Human Resources

As an HR head, you might be invited to many forums, conferences, and board rooms to discuss burning topics that are being debated within your community.

We think there is surely room for more and more presentations to be made and points to be discussed within this space. So, today we share with you some ideas that you can read, discuss and develop for your next PowerPoint presentation.

So, let’s dive right into the topics directly –

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1. Employee well-being

The role that employee health and well-being play in the success of an organization is something that cannot be doubted. Yet, we do not see enough debate around how a healthy body and mind is good for business as well.

Using this topic we would encourage HR heads, students, and professors to discuss how such policies with respect to employee well-being should be framed, how business functions should be rewarded for promoting employee well-being.

It would be a great topic for starting an organizational behavior discussion as well. 

2. Digitalization in HR practices

We all acknowledge that the digitalization of processes and systems is something no function can escape from – including HR. Do you agree that technology has a role to play in HR? Or do you believe that the role of the ‘human’ here is more important to focus on than automation of HR practices?

Either way, this is a great topic to take off from and talk about how HR as a function has been impacted by technology over the years, and what possibly will it look like 5 to 10 years hence.

3. Role of Employee Mental Health

A goal-focused approach, having a mindset for success, an enhanced focus for better productivity — these are aspects that many a time we talk to employees about. However, how do you develop a healthy mind that is not stressed and anxious? A mindset that actually wants to succeed but isn’t feeling pressured.

We think HR departments have a great opportunity in expounding on the critical need for investing in mental health and providing good counseling opportunities across levels. A great presentation topic at any forum for sure!

4. Importance of Learning and Development

Now, this has always been a top favorite amongst HR practitioners.

There is no doubt that the need to learn and upskill employees is a crucial aspect in today’s ever-increasing VUCA world. Globalization has ensured that one can learn both online and offline from experts.

It would be interesting to showcase your thoughts and present how training resources are being assigned. The presentation can also include how HR teams are adapting to the ever more nuanced learning needs of their people.

5. Dispute Resolution among Employees

We are human and so it is obvious that there shall be disagreements. In fact, disagreements are often encouraged to ensure that good ideas on the table become even better! We see HR heads presenting this topic with examples and anecdotes from their work lives.

Also, as a presentation topic, it can extend to offline case studies that can be discussed event after a workshop. There is a possibility that at times you have seen that a dispute is highly subjective – for example when it comes to interpretation say of a gesture, culturally it can be a genuine mistake.

So go ahead make this presentation topic as engaging and interactive as you like it!

6. Secrets of a Happy Workplace

We all want to work at an organization where we feel motivated, engaged, and safe. However, what goes behind in building and maintaining such a happy workplace?

Is it when you have an employee-first approach or is it when it is about a customer-first approach? Do HR and management value the same thing?

These are all pointers that we think your PowerPoint presentation can touch upon. There is enough research out there that supports both points of view. So go happy presenting!

7. How to Attract Millennials to your Workplace?

Now, this is another great presentation topic – and one that many people would like an answer to!

Millennials have a reputation that they are either too distracted or disloyal to stick to an organization. However, recent surveys suggest that all they need is a purpose-driven organization. If they can identify with your cause, they actually are quite a loyal bunch!

As an HR practitioner your role in attracting and retaining such talent, and the role of the CEO in providing this enabling environment can well be a good presentation topic for your next HR board meeting.

8. Creating an Engaged Workforce

Engaged workforce as a presentation topic works very well at all levels.

You have an opportunity over here to talk about a variety of aspects that go into engaging your workforce such as progressive and inclusive policies, diversity management, the role of sports, off-sites, etc.

You might want to stress certain productivity numbers that the industry has experienced when working with an engaged workforce. We believe that this topic can go as niche or wide as you would prefer.

9. Open Offices – boon or bane?

HR teams across the world have often been sold the concept of open offices over closed cabin environments.

It seems logical that the more open the office, the less the hierarchy. Yet does that also mean more distraction, less productivity?

This is a presentation topic that can help you open up a lot of room for an active discussion with your audience. Is there a formula for success to open offices? Why do some industries or sectors have more success w.r.t to these open formats?

Again as an HR head or student, you would have unique experiences that will make for a great presentation.

10. Encouraging a work-life balance at a startup

Start-up culture is something that still is a hot topic at most HR seminars. It is usually this unique time in an organization where the organization is still figuring out what suits its employees best.

HR professionals can use this PowerPoint presentation topic to both share and invite ideas on how work-balance can be maintained, and what is needed in their organizations as they move along the growth curve.

11. Employee Volunteering – Role of HR or CSR?

Another great topic is the role volunteering plays in an organization and which team really needs to front this. Since Corporate Social Responsibility teams are often merged with the Communication teams there can be a difference in the approach.

HR heads have an opportunity here to dissect their role as employee engagement custodians and how & if they see volunteering as part of this mandate.

12. Importance of an Ethics Committee

Do you need an ethics committee for your organization? Usually, well yes! However, is the firm at too nascent a stage for such a ‘committee’? Can it work via an ombudsperson? Do you need a formal whistle-blower policy?

All these topics can come together within this presentation topic and make it worthy of a discussion across board rooms. We believe that HR heads have another great topic here for making their voice heard!

13. Job Rotation and its contribution to Employee Growth

The industrial revolution showcased how employee productivity grew if people repeated a task often. It was stated that this reduced the chances of errors and in fact, is what led to the whole 6 sigma quality and productivity concept. Yet, is this concept relevant now?

As an HR head you can ponder on why this has worked but even how in this digital age, and reducing attention spans, employees are seeking to learn new skills.

Your presentation can cover how job rotation can lead to, for example. better talent development and retention. Worth your time! 


So there you have it. There is a lot to talk about when we need to share something useful on human resources. I would like you to consider these topics only as a conversation starter and build up from the brief pointers that we have mentioned. I also hope that you find the above topics really something that you can use and is effective in your business setting. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Our goal on this blog is to create content that helps YOU create fantastic presentations; especially if you have never been a designer. We’ve started our blog with non-designers in mind, and we have got some amazing content on our site to help YOU design better.

If you have any topics in mind that you would want us to write about, be sure to drop us a comment below. In case you need us to work with you and improve the design of your presentation, write to us on [email protected]. Our team will be happy to help you with your requirements.

Lastly, your contribution can make this world a better place for presentations. All you have to do is simply share this blog in your network and help other fellow non-designers with their designs!