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How to Delete Slides in Google Slides? [In Under 20 Secs!]

How to Delete Slides in Google Slides? [In Under 20 Secs!]

Every once in a while, when you are working on a presentation, you need to delete a slide that you don’t want to include in the final presentation. This process can vary slightly from one application to another. So, how does on delete a slide in Google Slides?

To delete a slide in Google Slides, simply select the slide from the “Filmstrip View” by clicking on it, and press the backspace or delete key on your keyboard. You can also delete multiple slides by first selecting them by holding the shift key and clicking on each slide, and then press the delete key.

Doesn’t that sound quite easy! Well, let me share with you a few other points that you may also want to know when you delete slides in Google Slides. Don’t worry, this will be quite short, but packed with information!

So, let’s get started!

How to Delete a Slide in Google Slides?

If you want to delete a slide, you can follow the method that I described above. But, there are actually 5 different ways in which you can delete a slide in Google Slides!

It is perhaps worthwhile to at least know what these methods are. So, let me share these with you so that you can choose the one that works for you the most!

Method 1 – Use Right-Click

The first method is using the right-click function of your mouse.

Step 1 – Select the Slide
Select the slide by clicking on it in the left part of your Google Slides screen. You will know that it is selected when you see a yellowish background on it.

Step 2 – Right-Click on the Slide
The next step is to right-click on the slide.

Step 3 – Click on Delete
When you right-click using the mouse or touchpad, a new pop-up window will open up. Click on delete from this menu to delete the slide.

Method 2 – Using the Edit Menu

The next method is to use the menu bar. Here’s how to delete a single slide using the second method –

Step 1 – Select the Slide
Make sure that you select the slide by clicking on it on the left part of your Google Slides window. Make sure it has been highlighted. You will see a pale yellow color on the particular slide in the left pane when it is highlighted.

Step 2 – Click on the Edit Menu
From the menu bar on the top part of your screen, click on the “Edit” menu.

Step 3 – Click on Delete
When you click on “Edit“, a dropdown menu will appear. Locate and click on “Delete” to delete the slide.

Method 3 – Using the Slide Menu

This method involves using the Slide menu. The process is quite similar to the other two methods described above.

Step 1 – Highlight the Slide
Begin with highlighting the slide. Make sure you see the yellow color indicating that the slide has been highlighted before you move ahead.

Step 2 – Click on the “Slide” Menu
The next step is really to click on the “Slide” option in the menu bar of Google Slides.

Step 3 – Click on Delete
You will notice a dropdown menu appears. Simply locate and click on the “Delete Slide” option. This will delete the selected slide.

Method 4 – Press Backspace or Delete on Your Keyboard

This method is perhaps the easiest method to delete a slide in Google Slides! The first thing that you need to do is select the slide that you want to delete as described in the above methods. Then, simply press the “Delete” or “Backspace” key on your keyboard.

That’s it!

Method 5 – Cut the Slide instead of Deleting It!

One last thing that I would like to highlight is that you can also cut the slide instead of deleting it altogether. That way, if you want to paste it somewhere else in the presentation, you still can do that instead of losing the slide completely.

If this is the method you prefer, follow the below mentioned steps –

Step 1 – Highlight the Slide
By now, you perhaps have understood that you just need to click on the slide to highlight it.

Step 2 – Click on Edit option in the Menu Bar
Next, just click on the “Edit” menu to open the options under it.

Step 3 – Click on Cut
The last step that you need to do is simply click on “Cut“. This will cut the slide from its current location.

Remember, if you cut the slide and don’t paste it in another location before proceeding with other work on your presentation, you will end up losing that slide!

You can also cut the slide by using a keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + X“.

How to Delete a Slide on an Android Phone or Tablet?

If you are using an android device to access your Google Slides presentation, and you want to delete a slide on it, the steps are slightly different.

Here’s how you can delete a slide while using a Google Slides App on your Android Phone –

  1. Open the Google Slides presentation on the slides app.
  2. Select the slide that needs to be deleted. Tap on the slide, and click “Edit Slide
  3. Next, long-press or touch and hold the selected slide for about 1 second from the left pane (or bottom part of your screen depending on the phone orientation).
  4. Click on the 3 dots on the top right corner of your screen.
  5. From the dropdown menu that appears, click delete (or the trash can icon).

How to Delete Multiple Slides in Google Slides?

Sometimes, you want to delete more than just one slide at once! So, if you want to delete a whole batch of slides at the same time, follow the below-mentioned steps –

Step 1 – Highlight all the Slides to be Deleted

The first step is quite critical to get this process done correctly. You first need to ensure that you have highlighted only the necessary slides that you want to delete.

To do that, hold the “Shift” key on your keyboard. Then, click on all the slides that you want to delete while holding the shift key all along.

You will notice that all slides selected are highlighted in yellow color (as indicated in the image above).

Step 2 – Delete the Slide

The next step is really to delete the slide. You can follow any one of the five methods that have been explained in the first section.

The easiest method would be to press the “Delete” or “Backspace” key on your keyboard.

You can also click on the “Slide” option in the menu bar. Then, from the dropdown, click on “Delete Slides” to delete all the selected slides.

How to Undo Deleted Slides in Google Slides?

While deleting slides in Google Slides, sometimes we may inadvertently delete slides that we didn’t intend to delete. That can be really scary!

But, don’t worry, there is an easy way to restore slides that have been deleted by mistake. It is called the “Undo” button in Google Slides.

To undo deleted slides in Google Slides –

  1. Click on “Edit” in the menu bar on the top of your screen
  2. From the dropdown, click on “Undo

You can also directly use the shortcut key. The keyboard shortcut for undo command in Google Slides is “Ctrl+Z” (or “Cmd+Z” on Mac)

How to Delete a Google Slides Presentation?

We have already seen how to delete a single slide or even multiple slides in Google Slides. But, what if you want to delete the complete presentation and start afresh!

Here’s how to delete a Google Slides Presentation –

  1. Open the Google Slides Home Screen – you can also visit to open your dashboard.
  2. Login to your account – If you are not already logged in, Google will ask you to log in to your account.
  3. Find the Presentation to be deleted – The next step needs you to locate the Google Slides presentation that you want to delete. You can look for it under the “Recent Presentations” section, or search for it by the name in the search bar on the top of the Google Slides dashboard.
  4. Remove the Presentation – To delete the presentation, simply select it and right-click on it. From the menu that appears, click on “Remove“. You can also click on the 3 dots and then click on “Remove

If you already have the presentation open in front of you, then you don’t need to visit your Google Slides Dashboard. You can delete the presentation directly.

To delete a Google Slides presentation that is already open, go through the following steps –

  1. Click on the “File” tab – from the menu options, click on the “File” menu.
  2. Click on “Move to Trash” – You will see that a dropdown menu appears. Click on the “Move to Trash” option.

Your presentation will now be moved to the trash of your Google Drive along with all the other deleted files from your Google Drive.

How to Recover a Deleted Google Slides Presentation?

It can be really annoying when you have deleted a complete presentation by mistake! You may have spent hours and hours working on the presentation, and all that effort could just go down the drain due to a single mistake.

Fortunately, there is a way to restore your deleted Google Slides presentation! Here are the steps that you need to follow in order to restore a deleted Google Slides presentation –

Step 1 – Go to Your Google Slides Home Screen

The first step really is to not panic and open your Google Slides Home Screen. You can also open the Google Slides home screen from the app drawer on the top right corner of your screen on any Google Workspace tab. (such as Gmail, Calendar etc.)

Step 2 – Click the Menu Option

From the top left corner of you screen, click on the hamburger menu. This will be represented by 3 horizontal lines. Click on this icon.

Step 3 – Select Google Drive

When you click on the hamburger menu, you will see a new window open up on the left side of your window. From all the options, click on “Google Drive“.

Step 4 – Open the Trash Folder

Once you are in Google Drive, go to your “Trash” folder. You can easily locate this in the various folder options provided in the left part of your screen.

Once you locate it, simply click on it.

Step 5 – Restore the File

Now that you are in the trash folder of your Google Drive, you should be able to locate the deleted presentation file. If you are unable to see it, simply sort the files by the “Trashed date” option in the descending order.

Once you see the file, right-click on it. From the menu that pops-up, click on “Restore“.

This will ensure that you have restored the file successfully.

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